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Thom Pain
[ English Play ]
Director’s Biography
Ben Hartwig has worked as an Actor, Artist Educator and Director at theaters across Ohio. Ben will be directing the worldpremier production of Meaning for Stage Right Theatrics in the fall of 2019. He is a proudgraduate of Otterbein Universityand the CATCO Artist Educator Apprentice Program.
Original Story: Thom Pain
Script by: Will Eno
Direction by: Ben Hartwig
Produced by: Joe Bishara
Monty Almoro
Neel Mony
English Translation and Super-titles: N/A
Light Design: Minimal/ will handle with CPAC staff
Set and Prop: N/A
Requisition: N/A
Sound Projection:N/A
Is Thom Pain a meditation on disappointment? An exercise in futility? Perhaps both. One thing is certain, however. Even if the piece is based on nothing, as its subtitle proclaims, its unconventional style makes it far more interesting than many other plays that are currently on the boards.