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Akbari Lota
( Dastongoi - Storytelling )
[ Hindi Play with English supertitles ]
Director’s Biography
Alka Sharma - Founder Director,Mandi Theatre Group
An actor,dancer, playwright, poet, painter, and a freelance writer, Alka has been actively involved in many community service events such as Women’s Day, Children’s Day, etc. She has received are recognition from the Federation of Indian Associations, Village of Streamwood, UP Association of Chicagoland. Metropolitan Asian Family Services (MAFS), etc. At the 3rd International Hindi Conference in NY, she was recognized for “Excellent contribution in the field of theatre” by Dr. Gabriela Nick Ilieva of New York University.
Original Story: Late Sri Annapoornanand Verma
Script and Direction by: Alka Sharma
Produced by: Mandi Theater, Chicago
MANDI THEATRE is Chicago based 501 (c) (3) charitable organization.
As a strong medium for social integration and upliftment we aim to connect with common people on various social issues and have performed at very reputed and popular Community organizations in and around Chicago area.
We are the group of like-minded enthusiasts of 'Traditional Indian as well as International Theatre' in the Chicago area.
We are dedicated to producing the "Classics" of Indian/International dramatic literature, which are not accessible to a wide audience, here in Chicago. In 2017, Mandi Theatre introduced 'Indian Theatre Festival', bringing together other theatre groups from around USA
We produce & stage intelligent, entertaining as well as thought-provoking plays, to strengthen the role of 'Traditional Indian Theatre in the arts community of Chicago area and enhance our national reputations.
The strengths of Mandi's brand of theatre are original scripts by Indian and international playwrights (intranslation),
excellent performances by talented actors, innovative staging techniques, and a wide experience in performing in regular theatres and informal performance spaces.
Website: www.MandiTheatre.com
Alka Sharma & Purnima Parashar
This act will be performed by 2 actors in DAASTANGOI form. Dastangoi is a
13th century Urdu oral storytelling art form. The revival of an art form of storytelling lost for almost 70 years.
Writer Annapurnand was a very famous humorist of his time . This satirical composition of his speaks against cheating the innocent foreigners in tourist places in the name of antiques : and it also speaks about the foreigner's deep interest , love, and respect for the antiques .